Mohak Hietech Speciality Hospital

How to Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally for IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment

Invitro fertilization (IVF) is a process used to help couples who are struggling with infertility. It involves retrieving eggs from the female and combining them with sperm in a laboratory setting, then transferring the embryos back into the uterus of the woman for implantation. The IVF process can be complicated and time-consuming but it has […]

Managing Pregnancy, Infertility and Career with Confidence 

Managing pregnancy, infertility and career with confidence

Managing pregnancy can be a difficult and overwhelming experience for any mom to be. It is important to take care of yourself during this time, both physically and emotionally. Some general tips include eating healthy meals, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, avoiding stress as much as possible, drinking lots of water, taking prenatal vitamins […]