Mohak Hietech Speciality Hospital

How to Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally for IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment

Invitro fertilization (IVF) is a process used to help couples who are struggling with infertility. It involves retrieving eggs from the female and combining them with sperm in a laboratory setting, then transferring the embryos back into the uterus of the woman for implantation. The IVF process can be complicated and time-consuming but it has […]

A Comprehensive Guide to the Step-by-Step Process of IVF Treatment

Process of IVF Treatment

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a fertility treatment for couples who are unable to conceive naturally. The process involves extracting eggs from the female partner and combining them with sperm, outside of the body, in a laboratory dish. After fertilization takes place, one or two embryos created from this procedure can be transferred into the […]